Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I Got the Music In Me

1-06-09 -M- Dragging my fat ass out of bed to work out is a challenge. It's cold.. it's dark and no good can come from working out before the sun comes up. At any rate after a well deserved pee I got on my bike. Instead of watching tv this morning I ramped up my Ipod.. before I knew it I was singing along to old Disco.. hey this wasn't so bad.. miles were passing and I was still doing my best Vickie Sue Robinson impression. Turn.. the beat arouuuuund. Vickie Sue.. turned into Donna Summer.. KC&Sunshine Band.. etc.. so instead of dread I got into it. Before long I'd gone longer than I did yesterday with minimal bitching and moaning. The goal being to work up to it slowly again. As for Rick.. and his never ending whine about keeping the weight off and how much he lost in the past. That man needs to live in the present. Blah blah.. I lost 180lbs in the past. Ok Paly Boy we got it. How many pounds did you lose today? How much sweat equity did you put in? How many carbs did you stuff in your mouth? We need to live in the present .. learn from the past and move on. Have I been a yo yo dieter the past few years.. you betcha.. am I sure this will work this time.. no way.. but I'm embracing right now.. not purchasing jeans that are 4 sizes smaller or wondering when I'll be ready to wear them. The fact that I can button my pants a little easier gives me joy. When I can actually put them in the dryer instead of hanging them up for fear they will shrink will be another milestone. Weight loss isn't always measured on the scale.. it's measured in small victories baby steps.. Ricks intentions of keeping the weight off are wonderful.. but there also has to be a time when you move forward and take more off instead of staying stuck at what you did.. tell us what you do!

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