Wednesday, December 31, 2008

12-31-08-R With this whole holiday season being blah by most accounts, (via my friends who love the holidays admitting to mostly hating them this year,) the New Years ordeal seems especially daunting. But the truth is it's the same as it ever is. Take action to create the new you, blah blah etc. But what my cohort doesn't mention is that when I proposed an additional keep it off stipulation to our little wager it was summarily dismissed. So, for my professional weight loss adversary a new cycle in the lose/gain yoyo is no big issue, but the challenge of keeping the pounds at bay is too much to attempt. It's understandable though, as I dont think she wants to go the whole distance with someone that lost 180 lbs about 13 years ago and never let them comeback. Perhaps that's why she also goaded me into losing 10 or 12 pounds more than her before I am the victor, because obviously she needs every advantage.

It's okay, Im sure I will provoke her enough to hand me a defeat in the big face off and she is always fun when fully engaged, but like with many things that are "M" ... the true end victory may be elusive.
12-31-08 -M Alas New Years Eve.. Time to say out with the old in with the new.. in my case I'd rather it be out with the new clothes and bring back my old skinny jeans. There is nothing so thrilling as being able to put on the clothes in the back of your closet. In these hard economic times cutting back makes sense. Cutting back on food.. cutting back on calories.. cutting back on my ever expanding waist.. cutting back the trips to Starbucks..cutting back on the trips to the mall to find clothes that fit. Cutting back on the tear's that go along with trying on jeans.. don't even get me started on a bathing suit! Rick and I both decided in order to keep our weight loss journey fair we would each get on a scale.. ( mine said one at a time please) . We took pictures of the scale and pictures of our flabbage. A picture isn't just worth a million words.. it's worth a million sighs.. and several curse words unfit for this page. My thoughts vacillate today between cramming every yummy disgusting treat into my mouth before New Years day to get them in while I can to not eating at all to get a jump on Rick. We all know men lose weight faster then women.. if this is a contest and given our friendship it really is.. I know he'll lose weight just by passing gas. He will claim victory over the scale by the mere cutting out of soda.. while I will be down to a carrot and 12 glasses of water a day and will be thrilled for a 3 oz. loss! Do I sound bitter .. perhaps a tad.. but I'm also hopeful.. and glad my buddy is along for the trip.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

12-30-08-R Luccyyyyyyyyy .... gahh, She is at it again. Now we just need to figure out what the reward will be to make it allllll worth it.

Starting Fresh

12-30-08 -M -Today.. I feel like hell as another New Year quickly approaches. Having all the good intentions of a bear chasing a spawn up stream I fully intend on keeping up the obligatory weight loss resolution till I become so bored with green beans that I'm shitting green or I fit into my old jeans whichever comes first! My dear friend Rick has decided to take this challenge with me and go along for the ride. Him being the sexual stud muffin with round fluffy parts a heart of gold and all around good guy.. has once again obliged one of my hair brained not so unlike Lucy schemes.. that if we blog and keep track of our weight together we will in fact lose together. So tomorrow I will bid my farewell to fats .. and food with taste.. I shall put down the donuts.. the ice cream, the steaks.. and forge ahead with salads.. and sugar free jello all . This is the diet honeymoon.. so my mood is that of a hopeful bride waiting for her new husband to disrobe her at the Motel 6.